
Mental Health Remains a Priority for the Region

Posted August 29, 2023
Posted by: Public Health

Pottawattamie County, Iowa - The health departments of Douglas, Sarpy/Cass, and Pottawattamie counties, along with The Wellbeing Partners, are excited to unveil the 2023-2025 Metro Region Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).  A total of 3,510 community members and organizations contributed insights to the process to prioritize mental health. The report, available here, is a culmination of all that was learned and outlines a regional commitment to mental health.

Four strategic priorities were first identified by the community in the 2020-2022 Metro Region CHIP, and the community reaffirmed and ranked the priorities in November/December 2022 from 1 (most important) to 4 (least important):

  1. Connect people to increased social supports
  2. Reduce stigma of mental health and substance use disorders
  3. Increase connections to mental health and preventive resources
  4. Understanding trauma

The #1 priority, connecting people to increased social supports, resonates with conversations happening at the national level too. In May of this year, the United States Surgeon General issued an advisory on the negative health impacts of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection in our country. The 2023-2025 Metro Region CHIP shares action steps underway to increase social supports, including efforts happening within local community organizations.

Aja Anderson, CEO of The Wellbeing Partners, said “The lived experiences and needs of community members drive the region's priorities. We are committed to increasing health equity and improving the mental health of all Metro Omaha residents.”

Call to action: Please join in this collective work to prioritize mental health by doing the following:

  1. Check out the report here.
  2. View mental health resources here.
  3. Read, submit, and share stories about why mental health is important at WhatMakesUs gathers and shares testimonials of people living with mental health conditions and their allies to reduce stigma.
  4. If you know of a group of community members who would like to host a presentation and discussion on the 2023-2025 Metro Region CHIP, please submit a speaker request form.
  5. To join in future discussions around this work, please contact
  6. Follow our social media channels for more opportunities to make your voice heard: Douglas County Health Department, Pottawattamie County Public Health, Sarpy/Cass Health Department, and The Wellbeing Partners
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